27, 28, 29 may 2023
Eucharist salvation of souls
“Eucharist, salvation of souls” ! It is with this theme that our pilgrimage will set out on the roads of Chartres on 27, 28 and 29 May 2023. Three days to deepen our faith in the Mass, renewal of the Sacrifice of Christ, sacrament of the Real Presence, communion with God and for the whole Church. Three days to deepen our love for the Eucharist, when it is so attacked or misunderstood today. Three days to repeat clearly, following the martyrs of Abitene: “sine dominico non possumus”: without the Mass, we cannot live !
Father de Massia Chaplain General NDC
« I am with you every day until the world ends »
« Et ecce ego vobiscum sum omnibus diebus usque ad consummationem saeculi »
Matthew 28:20
The traditional mass

« I am bold enough to predict that Chartres will become, more than ever, the West’s main centre of devotion to Mary. People will flock to Chartres, as they did in times gone by, from all over the world. »
French Cardinal pie
May 31st 1855
The pilgrimage
live photos and videos of
the pilgrimage
Notre-Dame de Chrétienté permanently follows the news of the Church and how its social doctrine is applied, in order to inform its pilgrims and to get involved / mobilise its networks, when necessary.
News analyses, feature articles relayed, interviews, the ‘Appel de Chartres’ (the Call of Chartres), informations from friendly communities, chapter lives, reading advices, cultural events, announcements and support for actions in the city, etc.
Follow the news !

The Calendar

When the Henri and André Charlier Centre – later Notre-Dame de Chrétienté – revived the historic Pentecost pilgrimage to Chartres in 1983, its aim was to promote Christendom, i.e. to make “the kingship of Christ over the whole of creation and, in particular, over human societies” a reality within civic life (Catechism of the Catholic Church N° 2105).
Notre Dame de Chrétienté’s foremost vocation is to work towards the social kingship of Christ by fully enacting the encyclical letter Quas Primas of Pope Pius XI of December 11, 1925:
“In him is the salvation of the individual, in him is the salvation of society. ‘Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given to men whereby we must be saved” (Acts IV,12).”
Notre-Dame de Chrétienté relies on three pillars to help promote and propagate the social kingship of Christ: Tradition (which we receive), Christendom (in which we live) and Mission (by which we transmit).
the pilgrimage shop
You have until April 30th to place your order
and be delivered before the pilgrimage.

The Chartres
Why make the Pentecost pilgrimage?
A pilgrimage is a march,
it is a religious march,
it is the religious march of a people.
“Walking allows you to pray with a free heart, your mind and body set to the rhythm of a litany of prayer that both stimulates and soothes, in the unity of an act that sums you up and links you to God.
“We go ahead of ourselves, with our hands in our pockets,
Without any device, without any fuss, without any speech,
At an even pace, without haste or recourse.
From the most present fields to the nearest…” (Péguy)
join us
Notre-Dame de Chrétienté has the unique characteristic of living solely on the voluntary commitment of its pilgrims, inspired by the spirit of St Theresa “To love is to give everything and to give oneself“.
More than 1,200 volunteers ensure security, shopping, logistics, health care for pilgrims, organisation of ceremonies as well as welcoming the clergy each year.
Other volunteers commit themselves all year round to the preparation of the event, training and communication.
All good will has talents, all talents are welcome!
de chrétienté all year long
In addition to organising the Chartres pilgrimage and actively supporting various causes and events, Notre-Dame de Chrétienté offers spiritual or convivial events and training sessions throughout the year.
The chapters are micro-Christianities (about forty people from the same geographical area, usually per chapter) which live beyond the 3-day pilgrimage according to the principle of subsidiarity (local pilgrimages, recollections, training sessions, prayer vigils, etc., multiplying the events throughout the year). In addition to these events, the month of November is always marked by the Christian Friendship Day, which allows Notre-Dame de Chrétienté to bring together its pilgrim friends at the national level, in Paris.
training courses
The training courses provided by Notre-Dame de Chrétienté aim to give each person all the bases and ways of deepening a solid catechism, a good knowledge of the traditional liturgy and the Social Doctrine of the Church in order to be able to go on Mission.
Notre-Dame de Chrétienté has a large family, made up of its pilgrims (17,500), its clerics and religious (300), and the spiritual communities and abbeys or monasteries that support it spiritually every day.
Its greatest joy is that of openness (the pilgrimage counts each year more than 25 consequent delegations of foreign nationalities) and of youth (50% of the pilgrims are less than 20 years old).
The Notre-Dame de Chrétienté family would not be so successful without the generosity and support of many trusted partners (media, associations, donors).
Places of worship
where to find the Mass
in the traditional rite in France
Find near you the traditional liturgy according to the 1962 Missal, with the agreement of the diocesan ordinaries and/or in application of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum (2007)
“I must preach the good news of the Kingdom, for that is why I was sent” (Lk 4:43).
Notre-Dame de Chrétienté strives to give visibility to its actions to the widest possible audience and to respond to the numerous expectations of a young population thirsty for learning, by being active on social networks.
The shop
Notre-Dame de Chrétienté supports the influence of monastic products and offers its pilgrims the opportunity to rediscover the identity of the pilgrimage through merchandise and to make it known throughout the year.
The proceeds from these sales are essentially dedicated to helping pilgrims in difficulty, so that each one is not prevented from experiencing these three days for financial, material or logistical reasons.